Thursday, 8 July 2010

Readers - Help Me Write the Books YOU Want!

For my debut release, Soul Keeper, I busied myself dyeing my hair and worried about going bald because, hey, I’ve been dyeing my hair for a very long time and it appeared to be going purple and just altogether wrong! Thankfully it turned out okay, but then again, purple would have been fun…for a while anyway. I’ve had some lovely reviews for SK, although I could have pooped my pants when every one of them came in. Scary things, reviews. Either people like your work or they don’t—fiction’s subjective, after all, right?—but ooooh, do I tend to freak when the review emails come in.

Yesterday was my second release, Magenta Starling, and I chose not to dye my hair again. Who knows, it could have turned out bogey green this time… So I went to a friend’s house, then returned home to mooch about here, freaking out that people may well be buying my book. I know that’s the idea (LOL), but it’s still surreal and an odd feeling just the same. So, for those who have bought my books and for those intending to buy them, I’d like to say thank you, lovely bunch of beauties that you are.

For those interested, I have two other books coming soon from EC. His Beautiful Wench, a novel, is about a woman who is transported back in time when she finds an old wench dress in her attic. HBW has a few genres mixed into it: historical, contemporary, paranormal, and thriller/suspense. I really enjoyed writing it, and there is a bad guy in between those pages I could have gladly, umm, punched in the face.

Also coming soon is a light BDSM contemporary entitled Come Find Me. This is a novella about a woman who has been in love with her co-worker, Dan, for two years and takes a vacation to sort through her feelings as to whether she’ll tell him how she feels. Dan follows her to Vermont, and they embark on a rather steamy week, both discovering they share the same needs in the bedroom.

Two other books have been submitted, and I’m on the cusp of finishing another novella, so far untitled (hate it when that happens!), so hopefully you’ll be able to read those soon too. Once this novella is complete, I plan to write another novel, though at present I have no idea what it will be about.

So, beautiful readers, what is your favourite genre? I’d love to write something the readers really want—and what better way to do that than to ask!

Many thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Have a lovely day everyone!


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